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Role of Support

Doctoral students can tap into various support systems that can carry them through so they can continue moving forward in their studies.


Mentoring by professors or school advisors is invaluable. They will provide mentorship, share wisdom, and guide students based on their personal graduate experiences.

Informal Program Support

Informal Program Support comes from school peers/colleagues undergoing the same experience who can offer a unique understanding and support that others can’t.

Formal Program Support

Formal Program Support for students involves providing them with knowledge about various resources that can help them succeed (that can include experts within the university, grants, or organizations).

Significant Relationships

Significant relationships provide doctoral students with the emotional, social, and financial support they need throughout their academic journey. Additionally, these relationships can serve as healthy distractions from feeling overwhelmed and alone.

Significant others share how they've offered support in their own unique ways:

(1 min. 28 sec/Spanish-speaking with English subtitles) 

"I support her as much as I can"

"Helping her as much as possible with the house responsibilities...
telling her to keep pushing forward...[and] trying not to add to her stress..."

Latino Significant Other

(2 min. 14 sec.) 

"I'm like the Cheerleader"

"You're going to do're going to figure this out...[and helping] her family and friends understand what's she's going through..."

Significant Other

(54 sec.) 

"We're going to Support You"

"Making sure she has the space and the time...she [doesn't] really have worry...[and] making sure she doesn't feel that stress"

Significant Other

Dr. Scarlett Mera, DSW, MSW, LCSW, LCADC

Beyond Mainstream Educational

Consulting & Placement, LLC



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